Ask the Expert: What Thomas Delauer has to say about fat distribution


Fitness expert and influencer Thomas Delauer discusses how fat distribution can lead to different effects on your body. Thus, the question arises, can people reduce specific areas of fat in their body through working out or dieting? The short answer is no. However, losing overall weight, as well as understanding the differences in the types of fat, such as subcutaneous and visceral fat, will help people better tackle their weight loss goals and maintain them. 

Thankfully, bello’s fat scanning device helps people do just this. Thomas speaks on bello’s benefits in measuring people’s body composition and even providing personalized recommendations regarding diet and exercise. Ultimately, as Thomas points out, by getting to know your body better, you will be able to better improve your body and work towards the health-related changes you want to see in your life. 

So experiment with different exercise and diet regimes and stick to one that works best for you! The important thing is consistency. Just make sure not to overwork or overwhelm yourself and remember that even slow progress is still progress!

To learn more, check out Thomas’s video here:

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