Ask The Expert : Kait Malthaner


Kait, a passionate nutrition specialist and health coach, is delighted to share her views on FITTO while she sheds light on the sort of exercise that works best for insulin resistance and fat loss. 

"Too much cardio can damage your insulin resistance, leading to serious consequences. Adding lean muscle mass through a proper exercise plan is incredibly beneficial and can help offset this issue - that's where Fitto comes in!"

"If you're looking to build lean muscle with the utmost efficiency, Fitto is your go-to solution."

"This data-driven system can help you measure your muscle mass in 5 spots of your body as well as track and analyze the muscle-to-fat ratio in up to 15 spots using non-invasive infrared technology - all within minutes!"

"Not only this but with its 9 Block Therapy Program, FITTO will assist you in achieving those desired goals faster than ever."

"By taking the guesswork out of your workouts, you can pinpoint where improvements need to be made and make necessary adjustments in order to reach your goals at a quicker rate."

 We are so grateful to Kait for providing us with invaluable knowledge regarding one of the most important health issues - insulin resistance. Fitto can help individuals manage this and maintain optimal wellbeing! 

Take advantage of code KAITFITTO30 for an amazing $30 off

See what data-driven training can do for you. Get fit with FITTO.

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