The Impact of 21 Days on Your Life
It's a new year, and you're determined to make at least one change for the better. But already the familiar doubts about your ability to stick with it through January are creeping in—and if that sounds like something you can relate to, don't feel like you're alone in this journey.
Making lasting changes is hard – Studies show that approximately 43% of resolutions are health or weight related, but unfortunately a majority of people abandon their goals by mid-February.
Never forget, however, there's no journey without a first step. There are practical tips out there to ensure that you stay dedicated to your new routine. Here is our thought : Do not push yourself to the limit at the beginning. Having simple, quantifiable objectives can keep you on track. Get the ball rolling by starting small.
This ties right in with the 21/90 rule. The 21/90 rule is a common adage among successful entrepreneurs and high-achieving individuals. It states that it takes 21 days to form a habit and 90 days to create a lifestyle. This concept has been studied extensively by psychologists, who have found that it generally takes about 66 days for an action or behavior to become automatic.
The 21/90 rule can be applied to almost any area of life, from physical fitness and healthy eating habits to professional development and personal growth. It is a useful tool for setting goals and living a more productive, purposeful life.
If you made the resolution to prioritize your health this year, why not start by committing to a 21-day journey with Olive Healthcare today?