Winners' Story : How I got fit with Fitto

After 30 days of hard work, we are proud to declare the winners of the FITTO Challenge!

We'd like to take a moment to thank everyone for their hard work throughout the challenge. We'd also like to congratulate everyone for sticking through the month, all the way to the end. It's been an inspiring time for all of us here at Olive Healthcare, and it was difficult having to choose only two winners from this group.

The winners of the 30-Day FITTO Challenge are Josiah Albertsen (1st place) Claudia Mossa (2nd place). Congratulations!!

It's time to hear the amazing results they achieved with this challenge.

Claudia’s Story

Claudia has her sights set on achieving the muscularity required to be successful in figure and fitness competitions. She wants to maximize her muscle growth as much as she can.

On December 5th, her muscle mass weighed in at 38.57kg, representing  70.9%. She is striving to build 75% of her muscle mass.

On December 13th, she proudly earned her Very Muscular badge!

On December 14, she achieved an amazing 72.1% increase in muscle mass! She wanted to improve my muscle legs!

Congratulations, Claudia Mossa! Your incredible performance earned you a 2nd place finish and $1000 prize. You should be proud of your accomplishment!

Josiah’s Story

Let's take a look at the results of his scan.

12/13  147.63 - 71.7%

12/11  144.41 - 69.8%

12/10  145.32 - 69.7%  

(On December 10, Josiah successfully accomplished his initial goal of transforming himself from being heavyset to standard muscular )

12/28 146.99 - 71.6%

12/31 150.68 - 73.1%

Read on as he shares his thoughts during the challenge.

"After an intense jump rope session last night-- interesting seeing how the segments moved a bit today. My arms are sore and they've moved from further in the dark blue to the light blue!" - Dec. 11, 2023

"Starting to get motivated to get going again, but starting with some measurements just to keep my habits. Still keeping a steady range which works for me! So long as I slightly improve over each month that is progress." - Dec. 28, 2023 

"It's really nice to have this data to show that I'm making improvements there. I would say this is a really helpful tool to add extra context to the weights one sees on the scale every day. Some valuable metrics." - Dec. 31, 2023

Josiah, you did it! You achieved the top spot with a rewarding $2,000 prize. Congratulations!

You accomplished an incredible feat and we couldn't be more proud of you. We want to encourage you to keep up the good work with FITTO and wish you all the best in your fitness adventures from here on out!


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